Thursday, June 16, 2011

Way to go Vancouver...

Wow. You'd think the fans in Vancouver would be proud they got so far. But no...they had to destroy one of Canada's most beautiful cities. Way to must be so proud to act in such a disgusting manner. So you didn't win the cup...BIG FUCKING DEAL. It's hockey. It's not the end of the world!

Freeing My Spirit...

I've been rethinking my life recently...a couple weeks ago I stayed up the entire night crying in front of my computer depressed about where my life has gone...I realized I needed a change...a drastic in order to free my spirit & release myself from my self-made prison, I shaved my head.

Most of the reactions to my hair have been very positive...only a few people have been negative. To those who don't 'get' it: I don't care what you think...I did this for ME. Just because you live with limitations doesn't mean I have to. Besides, it's hair. It grows back.

I feel free for the first time in my life!